Study of multiple particle interactions in proton-proton collisions at LHC
Development of calibration strategies for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter
Development of the online monitoring system of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter
Study of W+(b-)jets and Z+(b-)jets events with the CMS experiment
Study of Wγ(γ) and Zγ(γ) events with the CMS experiment
Development of track-trigger algorithms for the CMS tracker at the HL-LHC
Optimization of simulation and reconstruction algorithms for the Mip Timing Detector at HL-LHC
Development of distributed computing tools on the LHC Grid for the CMS experiment
More thesis topics (BSc, MSc, PhD)
List of former theses in CMS Trieste
INFN Sezione di Trieste
Padriciano 99
I-34149 Trieste (Italy)