INFN Sezione di Trieste

CMS Trieste Group

Thesis Topics in CMS Trieste

Study of multiple particle interactions in proton-proton collisions at LHC

Development of calibration strategies for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter

Development of the online monitoring system of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter

Study of W+(b-)jets and Z+(b-)jets events with the CMS experiment

Study of Wγ(γ) and Zγ(γ) events with the CMS experiment

Development of track-trigger algorithms for the CMS tracker at the HL-LHC

Optimization of simulation and reconstruction algorithms for the Mip Timing Detector at HL-LHC

Development of distributed computing tools on the LHC Grid for the CMS experiment

More thesis topics (BSc, MSc, PhD)

List of former theses in CMS Trieste
